Computer Vision Environments

Computer Vision

The Computer Vision environments are designed for various computer vision tools and libraries. These include environments for general computer vision tasks, PyTorch Image Models (TIMM), OpenCV, and Pillow. Each environment is equipped with the necessary tools for efficient image processing, model training, and real-time computer vision tasks.

Environment Description Quickstart
computervision Environment equipped with computer vision tools like opencv, pillow, and transformers. Open In American Data Science
timm Environment equipped with the tools and SDKs for working with PyTorch Image Models (TIMM), a collection of image models, layers, utilities, optimizers, schedulers, data-loaders / augmentations, and reference training / validation scripts. Open In American Data Science
opencv Environment equipped with the tools and SDKs for working with OpenCV, a library of programming functions mainly aimed at real-time computer vision. Open In American Data Science
pillow Environment equipped with the tools and SDKs for working with Pillow, a Python Imaging Library that adds image processing capabilities in python. Open In American Data Science